Online Islamic Quizzes for Children and Adults
Online Islamic Quizzes – Quiz 2
1. The Muslims were the first to explore…
New York
The Canary Islands
Central Africa
2. How old was the Prophet when his Mother died?
1 year
5 years
6 years
3. The Holy Quran was revealed over how many years?
4. What completes the fast of Ramadan?
Payment of Sadaqa-al-fitr
Paying the Masjid
Payment of Zakat
5. Which ayat of the Quran confirms the Islamic Religion as the complete religion?
al-Maidah, Ayat 3
an-nas, Ayat 5
an-Nahl, Ayat 89
New York
The Canary Islands
Central Africa
2. How old was the Prophet when his Mother died?
1 year
5 years
6 years
3. The Holy Quran was revealed over how many years?
4. What completes the fast of Ramadan?
Payment of Sadaqa-al-fitr
Paying the Masjid
Payment of Zakat
5. Which ayat of the Quran confirms the Islamic Religion as the complete religion?
al-Maidah, Ayat 3
an-nas, Ayat 5
an-Nahl, Ayat 89