Homemade facial masks
Autumn gives us wonderful fruits and vegetables. This is not only healthy, but also is good as cosmetics for skin and hair. The best beauty mask recipes to follow suit!. Homemade facial masks are great importance and benefits for our skin because they are pure and free from chemicals while the masks that are available in markets are are expensive and harmful for our skin and put negative and harmful effects on our skin tone. So here we tell you homemade facial masks recipes, facial masks in Urdu. You can easily prepare these homemade facial masks at home for every type of skin.Homemade facial masks
1. The tomato is a true power Vegetables. It strengthens the immune system, boosts your metabolism and tightens the connective tissue and not just from the inside as a refreshing facial mask, it is suitable for both dry as well as oily skin!2. Peel one large tomato, crush. Beat with an egg yolk and a teaspoon each of honey and olive oil. The mass in the hair and scalp massage, wrap around a dark or old towel, can affect a quarter of an hour. Rinse thoroughly.
3. The sweet fruits are rich in vitamins and minerals. Eaten they lower blood pressure, the phosphorus contained strengthens the nerves. Potassium dehydrates the body and thus provides for beautiful skin from the inside. Stirred in a mask, provide them with pears from outside moisture. Due to their antibacterial action alleviates the fruit blemishes.
4. The nuclei of vitamin C suppliers are rich in Polyphenols. This strengthens the cardiovascular system and prevents premature skin aging. Grapes tone up the skin and externally. A handful of grapes, mash together the nuclei. Then mix with 2 teaspoons of sugar, honey and curd. In the shower, massaging in a circular motion and rinse the skin.
5. The juicy fruit with velvety skin stimulates the appetite and is full of vitamins, calcium, phosphorus and iron. Through their diuretic effect helps the body in detoxifying. The term “peach skin” is no accident the stone fruit smooths the skin and gives it a fresh complexion.
6. A mature, soft peach remove seeds, remove the skin and mash the pulp. 2 teaspoons of whipped cream and stir in a teaspoon of honey. The mixture in the face massage. Wash off after 10 minutes.
7. Take two cook potatoes, peel and mash. Then 2 tablespoons of milk and stir in a teaspoon of honey. Spread the paste on the hands and can move in a half hour if you want better results then apply mask on facial skin and leave for the night.
Homemade facial masks in Urdu

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