Almond oil facial face mask
1. Take a piece of old cloth according to the size of your face and make holes in that cloth on eyes and nose position. Now heat up the almond oil little bit and spread almond oil on the cloth. Remember that don’t heat the oil to much hot which can damage your skin and if you use that mask at night time that’s best for your skin. Apply this almond oil face mask on your facial face skin for 30 minutes and after that clean the oil from face with soft cloth and in the morning wash your face with soap.2. Take almond oil and mixed it up with Roxi-hydrogen and make thick creamy paste. Now take piece of old cloth according to the size of your face and make holes in that cloth on eyes and nose position. Take the lukewarm or normal hot water and dip the piece cotton pad in it an put that pad on your face. On dry and cool again dip the pad in hot water and repeat the process again and again for 40 minutes. After that apply paste of almond oil and Roxi-hydrogen on your face and on drying clean the mask from you face with lukewarm water. Now wash your face with water and give and good cream or lotion message to your facial face skin. After the message wash your face with cold water and you feel different and another look in your face skin with this facial face mask.
Almond oil facial face mask in Urdu